Bittersweet Cafe website

On February 2, a small contingent from the Berkeley Chocolate Club visited the new Bittersweet Café in Oakland, located at 5427 College Ave. Owners Penelope Finny, Seneca Klassner, and the rest of the crew were swamped with a long line of folks waiting to taste from an array of chocolate goods to knock your eyes out.

Just like when we were kids and had that treasure, the local soda fountain, etched in our memory to this day, no doubt a good many kids living in the neighborhood of the Bittersweet Café will grow up as regulars, and years from now will look back fondly to the days when their parents brought them here for a treat. This is a must for anyone in the area.


5427 College Avenue in Rockridge

Two doors down from Diesel Books.
Phone: 510-654-7159


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